Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
ASP.Net Tutorial
1) ADO Net Database
2) Ajax
3) ASP Net Controls
4) ASP Net Instroduction
5) Authentication Authorization
6) Cache
7) Collections
8) Configuration
9) Cookie
10) Custom Controls
11) Data Binding
12) Development
13) File Directory
14) HTML Controls
15) Internationalization
16) Language Basics
17) LINQ
18) Mobile
19) Page Lifecycle
20) Profile
21) Response
22) Sessions
23) Validation
24) WebPart
25) XML
ASP Net Controls
1) A button control with onmouseover and onmouseout setting
2) A combination of bullet-list and radio-button list controls
3) A simple BulletedList control
4) A simple Wizard control (C#)
5) A simple Wizard control (VB)
6) Accepting File Uploads
7) Active index
8) Add asp
9) Add event handler to a button in page load event
10) Add ListItem to BulletedList
11) Add style to asp
12) Add value to asp
13) Adding ListItems Declararatively
14) Adding ListItems from an Array
15) Adding ListItems from an Array Using DataBinding
16) Adding ListItems from an Array With a Value
17) AdRotator for displaying your ad (C#)
18) AdRotator randomly display different advertisements in a page
19) All items and selected item in a selectable control
20) Annonymous delegate as the event handler
21) Applying partial rendering to a sample ASP NET form
22) Applying styles to different menu levels
23) Appointment based on Calendar (C#)
24) Asp
25) Bind array data to asp
26) Bind asp
27) Bind data from Access database to an ASP
28) Bind Data in Access to ASP
29) Bind data of directories to asp
30) Bind file information to asp
31) Bind selected dates from a calendar to asp
32) Bind string value to asp
33) Binding DataReader to DataGrid
34) Binding Menu to a Site Map
35) Binding to an XML File
36) Bold font
37) BulletedList with DynamicImage
38) Button Page Counter (VB net)
39) Calcualate in button click action
40) Calendar control and some of its colorful styles
41) Calendar day renderer event (C#)
42) Calendar selection changed event (C#)
43) Calendar style
44) Calendar with events
45) Called when hot spot has HotSpotMode=PostBack
46) Change asp
47) Change style for ListItem
48) Changing the file-size limitation setting in the web config file
49) Check CommandArgument (VB net)
50) Check form input value and report error in case of empty input (VB net)
51) Clock
52) Command name
53) Complex tree view
54) Controlling how a day is rendered in the Calendar (C#)
55) Controlling how a day is rendered in the Calendar (VB)
56) Convert input in TextBox into decimal
57) Convert Selected Date from Calendar to Long Date String
58) Create table programatically
59) Creating a Pop-up Date Picker
60) Css style
61) Custom wizard
62) Custom wizard navigation
63) Data binding with the RadioButtonList Control
64) DataGrid Data Binding
65) Declaring List Items
66) Disable ViewState for a certain control
67) Disabling certain ListItems from a collection (C#)
68) Disabling certain ListItems from a collection (VB)
69) Display event arguments
70) Displaying a desktop application menu
71) Displaying a menu with the Menu control
72) Displaying a Multi-Part Form
73) Displaying a Site Map with a TreeView control
74) Displaying a Wizard
75) Displaying TreeView check boxes
76) DisplayMode of BulletedList
77) Dynamically adding rows to the table (C#)
78) Dynamically adding rows to the table (VB)
79) Dynamically generating a DropDownList control from an array (C#)
80) Dynamically generating a DropDownList control from an array (VB)
81) Dynamically populating a BulletedList server control
82) EventHandler
83) Extrapolate date values from the typed text
84) FileUpload Test
85) Fill all asp
86) Fill data into asp
87) Fill value to asp
88) Font change
89) Format a Label with CSS
90) Format value from asp
91) Format value retrieved from asp
92) Get event dispacher from event argument
93) Get input value from asp
94) Get selected CheckBox
95) Get selected index from asp
96) Get selected item in DropDownList
97) Get selected item index from asp
98) Get selected RadioButton
99) Handling the Command Event
100) Help Example Wizard
101) Hidden fields and ViewState (C#)
102) Hidden fields and ViewState (VB)
103) Hide a controll
104) Hide, show panel
105) Highlight with regular expression
106) HyperLink
107) Image alignment
108) Image button, link button and button
109) ImageMap Control PostBack
110) ImageMap Test
111) Import properties of The Label control
112) Import properties, events and methods of CheckBox control
113) Important properties of Image control
114) Important properties of the Calendar control
115) Important properties, events and methods of ImageMap control
116) Important properties, events and methods of LinkButton control
117) Important properties, method and event of TextBox control
118) Important properties, methods and events for RadioButton
119) Important properties, methods and events of Button control
120) Important properties, methods and events of ImageButton control
121) Important properties, methods and events of Panel control
122) Label controls are used to label the two TextBox controls
123) Label font
124) Label hot key
125) Literal Control
126) Load Image to asp
127) Mark asp
128) Menu Database
129) Menu Navigation
130) MenuLinkButton
131) MultiView and View Controls
132) MultiView hides and display different areas of a page, useful to create a tabbed page
133) OnAdCreated event
134) Property tester
135) RegisterAsyncPostBackControl method on the script manager class
136) Repeater control in asp
137) Repeater with Table
138) Retrieving a range of dates from a selection (C#)
139) Retrieving a range of dates from a selection (VB)
140) Selecting a TreeView node
141) Selection mode of asp
142) Set array value to asp
143) Set AssociatedControlID for asp
144) Set AutoCompleteType
145) Set background color programmatically
146) Set border style dynamically (C#)
147) Set HeaderStyle and ItemStyle for asp
148) Set ImageUrl and AlternateText for asp
149) Set Label through code (VB)
150) Set SelectedItemStyle, SelectedItemTemplate, ItemTemplate for asp
151) Set style attributes
152) Set style for label
153) Set text to Label (C#)
154) Set textbox text value in button action
155) Set the focus to a TextBox
156) Show AutoComplete
157) Simultaneous calls are not allowed in a partial rendering page
158) Specifying sections of an image that are clickable (C#)
159) Specifying sections of an image that are clickable (VB)
160) Storing Advertisements in a Database Table
161) Storing Advertisements in an XML File
162) Style asp net server control
163) Table Data Binding
164) TableRow and TableCell
165) Test the border properties
166) TextBox can display different types of input fields depending TextMode property
167) The Button_Command event (C#)
168) The Button_Command event (VB net)
169) The Mode property of Literal control
170) The Panel control enables you to work with a group of ASP NET controls
171) The ScrollBars property enables you to display scrollbars around a panel
172) The second parameter passed in is an instance of the ImageClickEventArgs class
173) The user selects a file from the local disk and the page manages to persist it to a server location
174) This is a test of the color properties
175) Title style, day header style, today style, and other month day style
176) Tree style with XML data
177) Tree view event
178) Tree view style
179) Two types of events for the button (C#)
180) Two types of events for the button (VB)
181) UpdatePanel control is defined dynamically but constructing the tree programmatically
182) Upload file to server
183) Uploading files using the new FileUpload control (C#)
184) Uploading files using the new FileUpload control (VB)
185) Use asp
186) Use AutoPostBack property to detect which RadioButton control is selected
187) Use Cint to convert input value in asp
188) Use code behind to set value to asp
189) Use Convert ToInt32 to convert input value in asp
190) Use hidden field to pass value
191) Use if statement to check form input data (VB net)
192) Use of AssociatedControlID property on labels to bind a particular label to an input control
193) Use OnItemCommand, OnEditCommand, OnCancelCommand, OnUpdateCommand, OnDeleteCommand for asp
194) Use RadioButton to set font size
195) Use the AutoPostBack property to post the form to the server automatically when the check box is checked or unchecked
196) Use the MultiView control to dynamically switch views in a page
197) UseSubmitBehavior Property
198) Using Client Scripts with Button Controls
199) Using RepeatLayout
200) Using style
201) Using Templates with the Menu Control
202) Using the AdRotator control as a banner ad
203) Using the HyperLink Control
204) Using the ImageButton Control
205) Using the Label server control to provide hot-key functionality
206) Using the LinkButton Control
207) Using the LinkButton value for the DisplayMode attribute (C#)
208) Using the LinkButton value for the DisplayMode attribute (VB)
209) Using the ListBox control (C#)
210) Using the ListBox control (VB)
211) Using the Menu Control with the MultiView Control
212) Using the MultiView and View server controls (C#)
213) Using the MultiView and View server controls (VB)
214) Using the new Caption attribute (C#)
215) Using the substitution control (C#)
216) Using the substitution control (VB)
217) Using the TreeView Control
218) Using ToolTip
219) What is an asp
220) Wizard and its steps (C#)
221) Wizard template
222) WizardStep
223) Working with the Font properties
224) Working with the HiddenField server control (C#)
225) Working with the HiddenField server control (VB)